I don't want to type a blog about how this person did this and that caused this and then this happened and then this and then that and then that person went and told that person and then that person did...........NO. rather, i'm going to type a blog about how great it is having good friends.
yay for fwendz.
It's great to actually have friends who stick up for you no matter what,
ones that actually say something when rumors spread,
ones that will speak up for you when you're outnumbered,
ones that are just always there for you.
I promise I will do all those things for you,
Grace and Fiona :)))))
Julia, I know you're probably reading this,
but I wanted to thank you as well
you're such a freaking idiot,
but a bloody cute one.
Your unnecessary encouragement
was a big reason why I was smiling today.
You had absolutely nothing to do with this stuff,
but you still stood up for us (in your own way),
and that, is something I respect.
See what I mean by there are some friends who you
just KNOW are good friends?
Ones that stand around and do nothing,
are not much better than a stranger to you.
oh yeah, the white thing isn't an effect. It's actually cause we're witches and this was us using our spells to curse you. aw shucks, you caught us.
okay all this hating on the bitchin' babes has GOT to stop.
i mean if your going to be a hater, at least do it properly.
This is what you guys do:
How 2 Trii Verii H@rD 2 B a H8r:
1. secretly check blog updates everyday
2. pretend that you dont do step 1
3. put anonymous names
4. say shit
5. wait for a reply
6. wait for a reply
7. keep checking for a reply
8. say more shit in hopes they will reply (dude, no one cares)
9. finally receive a reply "who are you"
11. feel like a boss
Reeeeeeeeeeeeetards. I'm going to write you a guide.
How 2 B @ Gr3@t h8R
1. say shit
2. say who you are
3. ask them to "come at me bro" and "fight me"
4. wait for their reply
5. tell them to "say it to my face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
6. confront them when they do say it to your face.
Stop being cats and just state who you are. If you have the guts to say shit in the first place, have the guts to say who you are. I wont hurt you. I'm a really kind person. Shocking but very true. If you're not going to be a good hater, then I think you should just be a potato. I mean, potating isn't hard;
hOw 2 B a GuD pOt@to: