Saturday, May 21, 2011

i know my kingdom awaits...

i found that really really funny.


Today, I tried to do my legal assignment.....yeah......................
turns out, the only thing I achieved today was:
i learnt how to turn the flash and countdown off on my mac's photobooth. :3

i hate school, i hate assignments, i hate tests, i hate studying, i hate grade 12, i hate stress, i hate having to worry about op, i hate that i eventually have to graduate, i hate that school is going so fast, i hate that im failing.

PS. i really x 10938490324832 miss my mother.
she is the most amazing person i know,
i am forever in debt to her.
come home soon, i dont want to spend another day without you.


the one person i know will stay in my life
for as long as i shall live.
she keeps me sane.

i love my fee so god damn much
she makes me this happy

yeah this is a little out of no where, but
why is shaun so ugly?
i cannot comprehend.

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